======================= = modmurmur.py readme = ======================= What is modmurmur.py: A small wrapper for connecting to Murmur servers of different versions while offering access to the underlying raw functionality. Requirements: * python >=2.6 and the following python modules: * ice-python Installation: Place modmurmur.py and the legacy_slices directory in the directory you need them. Usage: First modmurmur hast to be imported. Since the module offers logging make sure you also setup that up. >>> from modmurmur import MurmurServer >>> from logging import basicConfig, DEBUG >>> basicConfig(level = DEBUG) Then you can instanciate and connect to a server. Connect takes the host, the port and, if needed, the serverpassword as parameters. >>> m = MurmurServer() >>> m.connect("", 6502, "supersecret") # With Ice-secret or >>> m.connect("", 6502) # Without Ice-Secret Once the module is connected every function in the murmur meta class will be mapped into the object. A few common tasks you can do now would be: Adding a server and getting its id >>> s = m.newServer() >>> the_new_servers_id = s.id() Deleting a server >>> server_id = 1 >>> s = m.getServer(server_id) >>> s.delete() Editing a servers configuration. For example changing maximum users, the servers password or its welcome message. >>> s = m.getServer(1) >>> s.setConf("users", 1000) >>> s.setConf("password", "superpassword") >>> s.setConf("welcometext", "Welcome to my server") Starting and stopping a server. >>> s = m.getServer(1) >>> s.stop() >>> s.start() Listing all servers or only booted servers. >>> m.getAllServers() >>> m.getBootedServers() Registering new users. >>> s = m.getServer(1) >>> UserInfo = m.Murmur.UserInfo >>> user_id = s.registerUser({UserInfo.UserName:"User1", UserInfo.UserEmail:"bla@blub.com", UserInfo.UserHash:"certificatehashgoeshereifyouhaveit", UserInfo.UserPassword:"backwardscompatiblepassword"}) Editing existing user registrations. >>> s = m.getServer(1) >>> UserInfo = m.Murmur.UserInfo >>> user_id = s.getUserIds(["User1"])["User1"] >>> reg = s.getRegistration(user_id) >>> reg[UserInfo.UserEmail] = "fancy@new.mail" >>> s.updateRegistration(user_id, reg) Once you are done don't forget to disconnect. >>> m.disconnect() Note: Always be aware that all these functions, except connect and disconnect, directly operate on Murmurs Ice interface. So if you want to find out exactly what is available take a peak into your servers slice (Murmur.ice) file. These files are heavily documented so no need to fear their syntax.