[autoaway] ; Interval in which to check for idle users in seconds (0 = disable auto away) interval = 0 ; Time after which a user is considered idle in seconds timeout = 3600 ; Should the script mute idle users mute = True ; Should the script mute and deafen idle users (overrides mute) deafen = False ; To which channel should the script move idle users (-1 = disabled) channel = -1 [onjoin] ; Every player will get moved into the channel with this id on connect (-1 = disabled) movetochannel = -1 [murmur] ; ID of the server the script should operate on server = 1 ; Ice configuration [ice] host = port = 6502 slice = Murmur.ice secret = ; Logging configuration [log] ; Available loglevels: 10 = DEBUG (default) | 20 = INFO | 30 = WARNING | 40 = ERROR level = file = mumo.log